Garbage Information Page

Fortunes Ridge Homeplace 3 HOA

Garbage and Recycling Information and Assistance: (Background): The neighborhood receives weekly garbage collection and bi-weekly recycling collection at the curbside from the City of Durham. Please read the full neighborhood details here: Trash Policy. It is important for all residents to follow both the community and the City guidelines related to the service. 

The following are important reminders about the City of Durham Recycling program from their website: .

Paper: This includes office and mixed paper of any color.
  * All paper must be clean and dry.
  * Discard anything in the regular trash that is wet or contaminated by dirt, paint, chemicals, food, etc.
  * Boxes with Wax coating and/ or grease and food residue are unacceptable.
  * Do not bundle or place anything in bags – only exception is shredded paper – must be in either paper or plastic bags.

Plastic & Foams: 
*Rinse containers to remove grease and food residue.
  * Remove caps from bottles.
  * Please do not place anything in the cart longer than two feet or heavier than 40 pounds.
  * Do not place anything in the cart that has come in contact with petroleum products or hazardous materials.
Glass & Metals:
* Only glass bottles and jugs are acceptable.
* Anything with grease and food residue are unacceptable.
* Florescent bulbs should be taken to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility.

Recycling Quick Tips:
* All items should be rinsed and dried.
* There should be no food residue.
* All lids and caps should be placed in the regular trash.
* It is acceptable to leave labels on the items.
* Place shredded paper in a brown paper bag before placing it in the larger recycling cart.
* Place carts at the curb by 7 a.m. ( 6 a.m. during summer months)
* Contact Durham One Call at (919) 560- 1200 with any questions or concerns.

Waste Disposal & Recycling Center: The Waste Disposal and Recycling Center (transfer station) at 2115 E. Club Blvd. has a drop-off center that accepts several items that can’t be placed in the curbside carts. Operating hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The accepted items include:
* antifreeze, motor oil, and cooking oil.
* appliances
* tires (maximum of 5 for free disposal)
* Another resource for electronics is the North Carolina Division of Pollution and Prevention Assistance:

Raleigh, Durham, Cary, Apex, HOA, management, association, community, NC, company 

Fortunes Ridge Homeplace III – Durham, NC  

Website provided by: Grandchester Meadows Inc. – Association Management