Celebration Square HOA
Welcome to the community website for Celebration Square HOA in Raleigh, NC. Our small community of 31 townhomes, all built in 2000, is located near the junction of Six Forks and Sawmill Roads in North Raleigh. In addition to this website, we maintain a private Facebook group and publish a quarterly community newsletter. We hope you find this site helpful, informative and user friendly. If you have any suggestions or ideas on features or content that would make this site more helpful for you and your neighbors, please let us know. This website is maintained by the community association management firm, Grandchester Meadows Inc.

Annual Information &
Payment Center
Document Index
Legal, Guidelines,
Financial & Meetings
Exterior Changes
Review Process
Request Form
Work Orders
Repair Request Form
HOA Maintenance Items Only
Mailing: Celebration Square HOA – PO Box 1149 – Apex NC 27502
Current Board Members
- President – Lisa Gaito
- Vice President – Adna Rubio
- Treasurer – Lance Golden
- Secretary – Sarah Sonke
- At Large – Bryan Naugle
Board Access Links
1. Q. What is a Homeowners Association and how is it managed?
A. A residential subdivision that is a non-profit corporation in which all members agree to abide by a set of covenants and conduct themselves for the common good. The HOA is governed by a Board of Directors who in turn hires an HOA Management company to handle day to day issues.
2. Q. What are my monthly homeowner dues used for?
A. Your dues are used to pay for expenses that your HOA incurs such as landscaping, electricity for area lights, liability insurance, building repairs/replacements, power washing, painting, management, legal fees, gutter cleaning, Capital Reserves, copies and postage, etc.
3. Q. Who determines what the dues are spent on?
A. The Board of Directors of your HOA who are elected by the homeowners at an annual meeting.
4. Q. Is an invoice or bill sent for my monthly homeowner dues?
A. Payment coupons are sent to homeowners. But most homeowners have their monthly dues automatically paid by their bank.
5. Q. What happens if I do not pay my homeowner dues?
A. A reminder notice is sent and approximately 25 days later a final notice is mailed. If the dues are still not paid, your account is turned over to a collection attorney. Per the Declaration of Covenants, the homeowner becomes responsible for any and all legal/court costs, which can be costly. A lien may be placed on the property. If the dues are not paid after a lien is secured, the property may be foreclosed and sold at public auction.
6. Q. I thought my dues were included in my mortgage payment. Why do I have to pay them separately?
A. Your HOA dues are not included in your mortgage payment like your insurance and taxes are. Your mortgage company does not escrow/pay your homeowner dues.
7. Q. Who handles the affairs of the HOA and is responsible making decisions for the Association?
A. The Board of Directors makes all decisions and oversees all operations of the Association, not the Property Management Company. The Property Management Company handles the day to day routine management items of the association, such as collections, paying bills, procuring bids, answering questions from homeowners, etc.
8. Q. What is the purpose of the Board of Directors?
A. The HOA Board manages and handles the affairs of the Association. Their main purpose is to preserve, protect, and enhance the property values in the Association.
9. Q. I am interested in serving on the Board and/or a committee. How can I get involved?
A. Volunteers are always welcome. Board members are elected at an Annual Meeting every September according to the HOA Bylaws. The Bylaws can be downloaded from the HOA website. ARCHITECTURAL
10. Q. I would like to put a cover over my patio and add a storm door. What do I do?
A. Written permission must be obtained from the Board of Directors before you make any changes. The process starts by completely an Architectural Request form on the Association’s website. You’ll need to include photos of the specific products you’ll be using, including color, material and specifications. The HOA Board will respond to your request within 30 days.
11. Q. Why do I have to get permission to make changes to my property? I should have the right to do whatever I want since it is my house.
A. When you purchased a home in Celebration Square HOA, you agreed by deed to abide by the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the community. These covenants restrict your private property rights in some ways and are restrictive to what you can and cannot do. However, they ensure that your property values will be preserved, protected, and enhanced. Being required to obtain written permission from the HOA Board before any exterior changes are made, ensures every homeowner that nothing will be done in the community that would be detrimental to their property values and their way of life.
12. Q. Can I put up a small satellite dish?
A. Yes, but it needs to be placed in the back patio or on the back of the house. Any damage resulting from the satellite dish will be the sole responsibility of the homeowner.
13. Q. I would like to put a swing set or doghouse in my back patio area. Do I need permission, and if so, how do I go about getting permission? A. Yes, you do need permission for any exterior alteration, addition or change. See #12 above for the process.
14. Q. What will happen if I construct a storage shed, or add a doghouse, or make an exterior modification and I do not get written permission from the HOA Board?
A. The legal Declaration of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions gives the Board of Directors the authority to enforce the governing documents. If an owner is not in compliance with the Covenants, then the Board may force the violator to remove the improvement/alteration/addition by any legal means. A court order may be obtained and/or the violator may be fined up to $50/day. If fining is implemented and the violation is not abated within thirty days, a lien may be placed on the property and foreclosure proceedings may commence. This process prevents homeowners from making any change that might hurt property values in the community.
15. Q. My neighbor will not maintain his patio area in a neat and orderly manner. What can I do?
A. Contact a Board member or the Property Manager during business hours. You can also complete a form on the Association’s website. The Board will investigate and if the violation is not corrected in a timely manner, a fine may be imposed.
16. Q. My heating and air conditioning system is broken. Does the homeowner’s association take care of this repair?
A. No, that repair is the homeowner’s responsibility.
17. Q. Who do I call if the sewer line stops up?
A. If it is just your line that is stopped up from your house to the main, then the repair is the homeowner’s responsibility. Problems with the main to the sewer line are the responsibility of the HOA. 18. Q. I don’t have any water. Who do I call?
A. Call the City of Raleigh water department. The homes within Celebration square are individually metered. If the water line is broken or leaking between your home and your water meter, this repair is the homeowner’s responsibility and a plumber should be called. If the water line is broken on the parking lot side of the meter, it is the HOA’s responsibility and you should call the HOA Manger.
19. Q. My roof is leaking. Who do I call and who is responsible for damage to the inside of my home?
A. Call the HOA Manager during business hours. The HOA is responsible for repairing the roof, but the homeowner is responsible for any repairs needed on the inside of the unit.
20. Q. My outside light is not working. Who is responsible?
A. You are. Even though this light is on the outside, the owner of the unit is responsible to replace light bulbs and make repairs as needed.
21. Q. When is snows, who is responsible for snow removal on the parking lot?
A. The HOA is responsible. But since there is so little snow in our area, this is a costly operation and plowing can damage pavement, the HOA Board may elect not to plow the parking areas but rather lay down de-icing material.
22. Q. Who is responsible maintaining the grounds?
A. The HOA Board hires a landscaping contractor who will mow, edge, blow leaves and prune bushes. Additional work on the grounds such as planting flowers and laying mulch is done by a volunteer committee.
23. Q. Does the association provide insurance coverage for my house?
A. NO! The association only provides liability coverage for the common areas. The homeowner is responsible for having full insurance coverage on the structure of their own home.
24. Q. Is Celebration Square a condominium or townhouse community?
A. Celebration Square is a townhouse community by legal description. You actually own a plot of land which is referred to in your deed. If Celebration Square was a condominium community, you would not own an land, only air space.
25. Q. Children are continually playing in my back patio area. What should I do?
A. Contact the parents and try to correct the problem. If the problem persists, call the police.
26. Q. My neighbor has a dog that barks all the time. When the dog is out, it’s not always on a leash but runs free and messes up the yard. What can I do?
A. First try to resolve the issue with your neighbor. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, file a complaint on the Association’s website or notify the HOA Manager during business hours.
27. Q. My neighbor is loud, plays loud music, has parties that go well past midnight. Who do I call?
A. First try to resolve with issue directly with your neighbor. If this doesn’t work, call the police.
28. Q. I never got a copy of the Covenants. Where can I get one?
A. Copies of all governing documents can be downloaded from the HOA’s website. 29. Q. If I sell my property, is there anything I need to do?
A. Your real estate agent should download and post the HOA governing documents on MLS and also be aware of any rental restrictions. The closing attorney will contact the HOA Manager to verify that payment of dues is current.
30. Q. I have a car with no license plates and/or current inspection. Can I park it on the property?
A. NO. The Celebration Square parking lot is not for storage of junk and/or non-operational vehicles. All vehicles parked on Celebration Square parking areas must be in operating condition, both legally and mechanically, have current license plates and inspection, and no flat tires. Any vehicle not in operating condition legally or mechanically will be subject to being towed and stored at the owner’s expense and fined.
31. Q. I have a utility trailer, boat or commercial vehicle. Can I keep it on the parking lot?
A. NO. Trailers, boats, campers, commercial vehicles, etc., are not allowed to be parked on the property. Violators will be subject to towing and/or fines.
What do the HOA assessments pay for?
- Administration
- Area street lighting
- Exterior Sidewalks
- Landscaping
- Liability insurance for Common Areas- HOA does not insure any part of the buildings
- Limited Building Exterior Maintenance (see chart below)
- Parking lot
- Termite Treatments
Insurance Information:
All owners need to purchase insurance that covers the exterior and interior of the dwelling. This policy is commonly referred to as an HO-3 policy.
The independent insurance agent for the HOA policy is: Ray Beaird – Carolina Insurance Group @ 919-234-7868 or ray@carolinainsurancegroup.net
HOA Management
Grandchester Meadows, Inc. – Contact Us
Manager – David Robbins
Plumber for Water Leaks:
Mike Waite – Waite Plumbing – (919) 387-0806
HOA Landscaper:
Jonathan Holland – JBH Lawncare – (919) 557-9642
HVAC/ Heating/Air:
Ideal Heating & Air 919-557-0004
Celebration Square – Frequently Asked Questions
Submit a concern
All concern reports are sent to the Board and Manager.
update contact info
Name, Address, Email & Phone
Helpful Links
Chapter 47C / 47F
Street Light outage?
Pole Number Helpful